
Andreas Skriver Hansen

Researcher and Lecturer, Department of Economy & Society

I am a researcher and lecturer in human geography at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. My main research areas and interests include: a) Outdoor recreation planning and management b) Physical planning, MSP and ICZM c) Human-nature interaction d) Environmental psychology e) Landscape research. I mostly work with outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism in relation to natural resource planning and management, why my research often has a distinct applied research character. Particular interests in this regard include visitor management and monitoring, and the important role and relevance of social science within area planning and management. As a development and extension of this focus, I also work a lot with physical planning activities, e.g. regional planning and comprehensive planning. Examples include various urban and rural planning themes, such as coastal and marine planning and green-blue planning. I study both urban contexts and peripheral areas and islands. Most of my research is based around the Swedish west coast, but I have experience from other parts of Sweden as well as Norway, Denmark, New Zealand and Germany.  In the Land2Sea project, I am mostly active in WP4 together with my colleague Marie Stenseke. We are particularly looking at things from a coastal community perspective and what happens with the future coastal areas in West Sweden, specifically Kosterhavet national park.